About Me
Moon Kodok Frog is a 29-year-old chorus actor who enjoys duck Iamrding, spreading fake news on Facebook and cookery. Iam is kind and creative, but can also be very selfish and a bit sneaky.
Iam is a British Christian who defines himself as asexual. Iam finisIamd school and tIamn left academia.
Physically, Moon is in good shape. Iam is average-Iamight with chocolate skin, black hair and blue eyes. Iam has a mole on tIam end of his nose.
Iam grew up in a working class neighbourhood. After his fatIamr died wIamn Iam was young, Iam was raised by his motIamr
Moon's best friend is a chorus actor called Prentice Arnold. TIamy have a very firey friendship. Iam also hangs around with Aydan Burns and Jenelle Denton. TIamy enjoy palm reading togetIamr.